Letta Shtohryn






What if Geremy Cotten was still alive? Is he enjoying the good life on a remote island with other crypto scammers, drinking fancy drinks and swimming into the ocean? Is he in crypto heaven? Whether his death was an unexpected outcome or a meticulously planned scam culminating with a suspiciously timed disappearance, we’ll probably never know. Nonetheless, Ukrainian artist Letta Shtoryn provides fascinating answers in machinima form. In her speculative fiction Cryptoheaven3, she casts the former founder of QuadrigaCX as a permanent party animal. Sim-Cotten is having endless fun on an exotic island, while thousands of people around the world wonder if they will ever see their investments returned in one form or another (short answer: not a chance).

Through cleverly juxtaposed quotes about this mysterious event collected from several sources, including Reddit, Twitter, news websites, YouTube comments, and Jeremy Cotten himself, Shtoryn develops different storylines resulting in an ever expanding narrative. Shtoryn appropriated The Sims 4 to create a counter-narrative. Letta imagines Cotten’s hypothetical identity change, while also emphasizing the obsessive behavior of internet users seeking possible anomalies in his death certificate and clues of a larger scam. In Cryptoheaven3, The Sims 4 character editor used to shape the appearance of Cotten’s avatar can be compared to digital plastic surgery. Jeremy’s appearance changes before our eyes and with the touch of a button. Now you see him, now you don’t.

For the record, the investigation into his death has brought to light the true nature of QuadrigaCX, that is, a cleverly concocted Ponzi scheme to embezzle money from investors. This twist in the investigation prompted internet users and unsuspecting victims to suggest even bolder speculations about the affair. In Shtoryn’s speculative fiction, Sim-Cotten is living the good life, enjoying daily massages, alternating session of sunbathing and swimming into crystal clear waters. At night, he drinks cocktails, and dances on the beach with his acolytes, a tribe of “digital nomads”. Meanwhile, comments from amateur internet investigators and those who have invested (read: lost) their life savings in QuadrigaCX pop up on the screen as a reminder that people did not forget and certainly did not forgive Cotten. We hear conversations in Simlish, a mesh-up of different languages, a meaningless word salad, an incomprehensible idiom that players nonetheless try to decipher as a form of meta-play. In Cryptoheaven3, Sim-Cotten is either talking on the phone or to other party animals on the island. He is likely plotting the next scam while extolling the virtues of crypto.


Gemma Fantacci

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As part of our ongoing discussion on Letta Shtohryn’s astute incorporation of The Sims into her artistic practice, we take a look at her first machinima, Algorithmic Oracle (2019), which was screened at the 2020 Milan Machinima Festival.

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Patreon-exclusive content 〰️

Algorithmic Oracle exists as an installation featuring nine single channel videos each lasting 8’ 12” and as a single channel composite of the same duration. Like a time travel narrative, it shows multiple scenarios triggered by a fixed event, that is, a fire. However, the outcomes are determined by an AI rather than by human intervention.

Algorithmic Oracle is a commentary on the ontological capabilities of algorithms: as Eli Pariser argued in 2011, machine-curated news-feeds create insular and homogenous info-contexts, known as filter bubbles. To experience reality in such an environment means to reduce the complexity of reality to a handful of narratives, automatically excluding anything or anyone contradicting the dominant paradigm: the very possibility of an anomaly, that is, an information that does not perfectly for within the current dogma, is eliminated.

Shtohryn argues that algorithms have created a series of parallel realities, a multiverse of experiences, in which clusters of like-minded individuals believe their “world” to be the best of all. Worse yet, these individuals tend to dismiss the very possibility of alternative ways of seeing the world: “I don’t see the same content as you, but we act as if we see the same thing”, she writes in the accompanying text…

Matteo Bittanti


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As McKenzie Wark aptly put it, it’s not that video games are becoming more and more life-like, but life itself is becoming more and more like a video game. That’s not a good thing, in case you were wondering.

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Patreon-exclusive content 〰️

Cryptoheaven3 (2022) is the third iteration of an ongoing project developed by Letta Shtohryn with The Sims 4 (Maxis/Electronic Arts, 2014) about the digital afterlife of Gerald Cotten, the CEO of QuadrigaCX, a popular cryptocurrency exchange. When Cotten unexpectedly passed away in 2018, he held the passwords to every customer's digital wallet, thereby rendering their $190 million investment lost or missing. His mysterious disappearance sparked several conspiracy theories and marked the beginning of an online hunt for “the Truth” (incidentally, this story is narrated by Luke Sewell in his 2022 documentary Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King, currently available on Netflix).

Shtohryn began exploring this debacle shortly after Cotten’s passing with a series of multimedia projects. In the first installment, a 12-minute machinima entitled Crypto H(e)aven (2019), Gerry has altered both his identity and appearance. He is now living on a small, exotic island populated by digital nomads. Crypto H(e)aven was originally presented in the group show Object, Objetc, Objec alongside works by Liza Eurick and Katri Kempass at Spazju Kreattiv in Malta between May 3 - June 16 2019. The video was part of an installation featuring scaffolding (180 cm x 5 pieces), four UV printed synthetic curtains (180 x 180 cm), silver fabric, and chocolate (consumable) bitcoin. As Shtohryn wrote in the accompanying text, “Gerald Cotten’s remarkable ability to be both alive and dead in the mind of the redditors transforms him into a Schrödinger’s quantum phenomenon.” Her research was subsequently expanded during Shtohryn’s online residency at Isthisit in August 2019 (a short video summary can be watched here)


Matteo Bittanti

This is a Patreon exclusive article. To read the full text consider joining our Patreon community.



digital video/machinima (1920 x 1080), color, sound, 5’ 39”, 2022, Ukraine

Created by Letta Shtohryn

Cryptoheaven3 (2022) is the third iteration of an ongoing project developed with The Sims 4 about the digital afterlife of Gerald Cotten, the CEO of QuadrigaCX, a popular cryptocurrency exchange. When Cotten unexpectedly passed away in 2018, he held the passwords to every customer's digital wallet, thereby rendering $190 million lost or missing. His mysterious disappearance sparked several conspiracy theories and marked the beginning of an online hunt for “the Truth”. Letta Shtohryn began exploring this event shortly after Cotten’s passing with Crypto H(e)aven (2019) and Cryptoheaven 2.0 (2020, in collaboration with curator Kat Zavada). The latest installment, Cryptoheaven3, is a hybrid of machinima and net.art combining The Sims 4, text messages, forum posts, and GIFs. Cotten is on a remote island enjoying the good life — sunbathing, getting daily massages, and imbibing exotic cocktails — while former QuadrigaCX users and conspiracy theorists speculate about his untimely demise.

Letta Shtohryn (Ukraine/EU) is an artist and researcher who works predominantly with media art, sculpture and imagery. She investigates the complex relationship between the physical and digital realm. She explores embodiment through a post-humanist lens, considering non-human life forms, machines, avatars, aliens, monsters, and ghosts. Being fascinated by deception, Letta also explores the relationship between fact and myth-making. Her methodical frameworks include speculative investigations, world building, and storytelling. Her tools feature virtual reality, augmented reality, textile, sculpture, video, machinima, and imagery. Her academic background is in Philosophy/Sociology (University of Vienna), Photography (Kunstschule Wien), and Digital Art (MFA/UM). Letta is the founder of digital platform Whatdowedonow.xyz and holds the position of Research Excellence Award Fellow at The Immersion Lab, University of Malta. Her work has been shown internationally.




GAME VIDEO ESSAY B features a series of documentaries made with video game engines that apply the video essay format to machinima. This program, which debuted in 2019, returns to Milan with four original contributions made by four international artists, on themes ranging from filter bubbles to virtual economies, from gender representation in gaming to the ideology of nationalism.

GAME VIDEO ESSAY B propone una selezione di documentari realizzati attraverso videogiochi che applicano al machinima il formato del video essay. La formula, già sperimentata nel 2019, ritorna con quattro contributi originali realizzati da altrettante artiste internazionali, su temi che spaziano dalle filter bubbles alle economie virtuali, dalla rappresentazione di gender nei videogiochi all’ideologia del nazionalismo.



Friday March 13 2020/Venerdì 13 marzo 2020

Contemporary Exhibition Hall (IULM OPEN SPACE)

09:00 - 19:00 Free Entry


Elaine Hoey, Animated Positions

machinima/digital video, color, sound, 23’ 39”, 2019. United Kingdom.

Cassie McQuater, PAY2PLAY

machinima/digital video, color, sound, 13’ 40”, 2019. United States of America.

Georgie Roxby Smith, AIN'T FREE

machinima/digital video, color, sound, 25’ 08”, 2019. Germany.

Letta Shtohryn, Algorithmic Oracle

machinima/digital video, color, sound, single channel composite, 8’ 12”, 2019. Ukraine.