We are happy to announce that Concrete Press will soon release a new book in the ongoing series GAME VIDEO/ART STUDIES: VRAL SEASON ONE, a comprehensive look at the state of machinima today.

Introduced in April 2020 amidst a global pandemic, VRAL is a uniquely curated game video experience, offering screenings of machinima created by artists and filmmakers whose practice lies at the intersection of video art, cinema, animation, and gaming. The program features exceptional video works selected on the basis of their cultural relevance, artistic achievement, and innovative style. An online space that provides access to a range of diverse voices, VRAL celebrates a new generation of digital filmmakers and artists and providing a broader understanding of machinima as an artform. Edited by Matteo Bittanti and Gemma Fantacci, this book collects all Season One’s interviews (i.e., exhibitions 01 to 21), including extra content previously published online. Featured artists: Victor Morales, Aleksandar Radan, Jordy Veenstra, Petra Széman, Thomas Hawranke, Brenton Alexander Smith, Jón Bjarki Magnússon, David Blandy, Brent Watanabe, Edwin Lo, Fantastic Little Splash, Mikhail Maximov, Luca Miranda, Mario Mu, Antoine Chapon, Bob-Bicknell Knight, Isabelle Arvers, Total Refusal, COLL.EO, Carson Lynn, Mateus Domingos.

VRAL SEASON ONE will be released in English only. 


Both a critical and creative laboratory, GAME VIDEO/ART. STUDIES promotes open dialogue, constructive debate, and sometimes idiosyncratic investigations of ideas, practices, and artefacts that – by their very nature – occupy different layers of today’s visual culture. Applying a comparative rather than specialized approach, GAME VIDEO/ART. STUDIES probes the most diverse visual experiences inspired by digital gaming and gives voice to a new generation of researchers as well as established scholars. The first published volume in the ongoing series is Riccardo Retez' Machinima Vernacolare.

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