
digital video, color, sound (1920 x 1080), color, sound, 11’ 51”, 2019, France

Created by Merlin Dutertre

Developed with(in) Zoo Tycoon 2, Lullaby is set into a magic forest where people are mysteriously transformed into animals. The metamorphosis proves to be therapeutic as the former human animals are finally at peace.

With cinematic flair, Merlin Dutertre’s oeuvre weaves ethereal narratives and unique visuals, often unfolding within immersive video game worlds. At Paris 8 University, he honed an acute comprehension of the interplay between art and technology, which he channels into crafting transcendent experiences that break norms and blend genres. By seamlessly fusing found footage with virtual domains, Dutertre’s films redefine visual storytelling, harnessing his passion for the digital medium. Marked by an atmosphere of serenity and surrealism, his meticulously framed works invoke tranquility and contemplation. Lullaby and Saule Pleureur exemplify his creative acumen, guiding audiences through territories where the extraordinary and ordinary intertwine, where real and virtual dimensions harmonize. Based in Paris, Dutertre continues molding innovative and evocative films that reveal a distinct artistic vision.