MAY 25-30 2020/25-30 MAGGIO 2020 (ONLINE)


machinima/digital video, color, sound, 05’ 34”, 2018. Italy.

Fragments of an Apocalypse is an experimental short film directed by Alessandro Tranchini and shot with/in Grand Theft Auto V’s engine. A slice-of-life narrative set in a pre-apocalyptic world in which the police force is unable to exert any real power, due to mass surveillance strategies managed by private corporations. Policemen have lost both their function and authority and are thus reduced to mere simulacra: signifiers without signified, eyes without sight. This paradoxical situation is presented through a series of vignettes framed by a fixed camera. Each scenes depicts desolation, stillness, and finally death.

Fragments of an Apocalypse è un cortometraggio sperimentale diretto da Alessandro Tranchini e girato con il motore di Grand Theft Auto V. In un mondo pre-apocalittico in cui le forze dell’ordine sono de facto impotenti a causa della sorveglianza di massa attuata dalle grandi corporation, i poliziotti hanno perso il loro status e sono ridotti allo status di simulacri: significanti senza significato, occhi senza vista. Questa situazione paradossale è illustrata attraverso scene riprese da una camera fissa. Ogni situazione mette in scena la desolazione, il vuoto e, infine, la morte. 



Alessandro Tranchini è un videomaker italiano che vive e lavora a Milano. Studia Media e Pubblicità all'Università IULM e lavora come redattore presso Fandor. Le sue collaborazioni includono la realizzazione di trailer professionali, teaser, ai saggi. Ha lavorato per SJPL Films Ltd. a Sherman Oaks, California. Le sue opere sono state menzionate da Film School Rejects, Movies[.com], TV Over Mind, One Perfect Shot, No Film School, MoviePlayer, Il Post, Focus Pulling, Director's Library, Libero, Movie & TV Corner, Milan Records, Director de Fotografia, Cinemanator, CinemAmigos, Live for Film, LongRoom, Cinephilia & Beyond, EnFilme, VK, PressJacked, FilmLoverss, AssociatedNews, Cinenus, Video Editing Software, Troiscouleurs, PlayTusu, Costa Brava Digital e American Violins.

Alessandro Tranchini is an Italian videomaker based in Milan, currently enrolled in the Media and Advertising B.A. program at IULM University. As an Editor at Fandor, Alessandro made several trailers, teaser, and video essays. His collaborations include SJPL Films Ltd. in Sherman Oaks, California. His productions have been featured by Film School Rejects, Movies[.com], TV Over Mind, One Perfect Shot, No Film School, MoviePlayer, Il Post, Focus Pulling, Director's Library, Libero, Movie & TV Corner, Milan Records, Director de Fotografia, Cinemanator, CinemAmigos, Live for Film, LongRoom, Cinephilia & Beyond, EnFilme, VK, PressJacked, FilmLoverss, AssociatedNews, Cinenus, Video Editing Software, Troiscouleurs, PlayTusu, Costa Brava Digital, and American Violins.